Sunday, January 27, 2008


Hope you like the new design! Micke has done a great jobb as usual. There is still a lot of info to come but the basics are here, surf around and enjoy.The equipment page is coming along again...check it out!

2008 started with 3 Granfelt / Nikku Gigs. I or, I must say we were SO positively suprised by the turn out on the gigs!! Thanks a lot for coming! There will be more gigs during the summer and in the autumn for sure.

I've had plenty of time to spend with my family and Jim (now 1 year and 9 months) witnessed his first soundcheck last week wednesday. He had his own Ukulele in bag with him and created quite a show when he strapped it on and played(!?) along when we checked the levels etc. Way to go Jimi boy!

I've also had time to train more BJJ and beyond any of my expectations I was awarded the brown belt by our Brazilian master Alexandre Paiva in December. Today writting this I'm sitting here with a pulled muscle in my back... I'm getting old ha,ha...

It'll be a pleasure to go on the road with Miri and Johnny again in February, we'll have some time to rehearse new songs and hopefully some new old stuff as well.

That's about it for now, cheers!


PS. Thanks for all the nice comments, sms and emails about the TV Documentary :-)